As Dr. Grzegorz Skrobotowicz points out, the Australian Department of Child Protection (DCP1) was established in November 2016 in response to the recommendations of the Royal Commission on Child Protection Systems.
Its tasks include cooperation with families, governmental and non-governmental organizations, guardians and the local community, which are to take care of defenseless children, protect them from harm and ensure their safety. Where children cannot safely remain in the family home, the Department is obliged to find a place for them to live. First of all, he looks for it from family members or foster carers. These children must be guaranteed the opportunity to use their full potential, as well as the best possible development and legal security. I am committed to listening to children’s voices to ensure that their needs and views are taken into account.
In this expert opinion, the author points to practice and a modern approach to the problem in order to ensure a safe and healthy life for those under our care.