In this expert opinion, Dr. Grzegorz Skrobotowicz points to the problem of child victimization, which is becoming a problem not only of national but even international importance due to the popularity of the Internet. If children are abused mentally, physically or repressed, both law enforcement authorities and social services are obliged to respond appropriately to the reporting of such activities. Sometimes this leads to the initiation of criminal proceedings, which means that child victims and witnesses are involved in a kind of machinery of justice systems and processes. Individual states take protective measures through state and federal laws that provide minor crime victims and witnesses with special protections tailored to their needs.
Dr. Skrobotowicz points out that without effective representation and legal assistance, minors who are participants in the process are not only unable to assert their rights, but may also simply not understand them. In this case, the role played by entities such as the „National Crime Victim Law Institute” is extremely important. It is a non-profit organization whose aim is to provide victims with access to professional but, above all, free assistance from lawyers, so that every voice, even that of a child, is heard in the process. As part of the study, the author indicated in what areas victims and witnesses receive help, as well as how the work of such entities is organized.